Sunday, October 5, 2008

tAlk aBoUt pRocaStiNatiOn..

Whoa.. tlak about procastination. Its been a while .. again. Many things had happened, seasons passed and time has just been running past me like the North Easterly gusts here..

First off, missing Japan. That was great and one day, Ill be back again. ;) There is something about the land of the rising sun that keeps calling me..

Back to reality. Yes I have started wokring, for 3 months now. Good stepping stone, crap pay lol. Interested? Check it out Menzies Aviation. Since then its been work, work and work...

Eventually Ill be updating on more antics I have been upto, like Chia Min's and Gav's wedding :)

Now for my Things to do list:

1) House...
2) Hmmm...

Now what was that thing I had in mind....

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