Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Red Packet Syndrome!~

Its been a while.. First off, Happy New year to all and may 09' bring more than what 08' had :D

Now.. let me elaborate on the Red Packet Syndrome. No, it does not relate to the red army. Red packet sydrome has 2 extremes. One, having too much red packets and the other, not having enough. It can be damaging both ways..

Think about it.. too much red packets, you'll go nuts.. you'll end up not sure of what you would want to use it on and then it somehow mysteriously dissapear on something that you didn't know you bought or spend on. (aka Money Crazy)

Too little, well you know.. depression.. also makes you go nuts.. especially in times of recession.

Conclusion? Just give me th damn packets! :D I'll sort it out for you

Oh.. Happy CNY!~

p/s: I'll update more soon, some exciting news and the weather :P