Sunday, October 5, 2008
tAlk aBoUt pRocaStiNatiOn..
First off, missing Japan. That was great and one day, Ill be back again. ;) There is something about the land of the rising sun that keeps calling me..
Back to reality. Yes I have started wokring, for 3 months now. Good stepping stone, crap pay lol. Interested? Check it out Menzies Aviation. Since then its been work, work and work...
Eventually Ill be updating on more antics I have been upto, like Chia Min's and Gav's wedding :)
Now for my Things to do list:
1) House...
2) Hmmm...
Now what was that thing I had in mind....
Friday, March 28, 2008
Left wonderful Tokyo, and now back in Osaka. It just seems to quick. I loved Tokyo.. there is always something happening anytime, anywhere. But reality sinks in, have to go where life takes me. Speaking of life, nothing beasts the frustration and pressures of not being able to achive and do what I want. Yes, I admit I'm stagnant.. but its not as if I'm not trying. Call it procastination or whatsoever but time's running out. But soon enough :) Okay enough about my boring downside..
On the brighter side of news, LoL news caster wanna be... As many millions that fell in love with "apologize", Ive searched you tube for various versions of the song. I've found a few.. Dont forget to hit the pause or stop buttom on my music player ;)
Boombox accoustic version:
Accoustic versions:
My personal favorite:
Until then, Enjoy!~
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Monkey Business..

Went to an Izakaya which mimics the pre/post world war Japan era.. like in the 40's or maybe even 50's. They even had those ancient black and white tv box thingys (monochrome tv's). Food was good too but didnt have much. Save on accomodation by sleeping in the car and left early the next day for Yudanaka and Shiga Heights. Why? To see monkeys.. :P see pics and ull know!~
They were very amusing, but i felt limited by my lens. No zoom lens you see.. So had to take close ups where the monkeys (babies) would be curious and grab my lens hood. Damn funny.. In a way some things they do are very humane. Like knowing how to relax in an onsen. Would come back again definately!~ more pics to come..

Thursday, February 21, 2008
6 months later..

6 months later, still haven't lost the touch of home cooked meals :P being away from home and limited ingredients... Viola~ nyummmm
I call this chinese 10 spice sauce lamb :D and the "package"... not much of a presentation tho~

Had trout too (so I was told, bit difficult buying food in Kanji) and beef stew which I didn't take any pics of. You know the usual beef stew wih potatoes, garlic and onion o.O

And we had this from Tsukiji the night before.. Shellfishes the sice of dvd's (literally)...

Monday, February 18, 2008
Tea: The Elixir of Life
Delicious, low-calorie, and brimming with antioxidants, tea is quickly becoming the most commonly consumed beverage worldwide, after water. Even in the U.S., its popularity is rapidly growing. And why not? With the health benefits you stand to gain, you, too, will want to drink up.
Soak Up the Health Benefits
It is no wonder that tea is the beverage most commonly enjoyed by centenarians around the world. Tea is full of powerful antioxidants that improve concentration, gently boost energy, and make people happier. The free radical-inhibiting property of tea is more potent than that of vitamin E, and tea is a proven preventive and treatment for atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). The polyphenols in tea, especially the catechins, are powerful antioxidants that help ward off diabetes and cancer.
To get the most health from your tea, brew it fresh from tea bags or loose leaves and herbs, as instant and bottled teas contain less active compounds. Let the tea steep for three to five minutes to extract the most beneficial compounds. Drink to your health!
Cut the Morning Coffee
For many people, the first thing they reach for in the morning is coffee. Although it may initially give you a jolt, coffee actually depletes your vital essence, "borrowing" energy that you didn't have in the first place.
Caffeine acts as a central nervous system stimulant. It causes you to experience stress, anxiety, a racing mind, and even insomnia, working against your attempts to relax the body and calm the mind. A healthier alternative to coffee is herbal tea. On average, a cup of black tea contains about one third of the caffeine you would get from the same cup of coffee. Green tea contains about one sixth of that amount.
Of course, caffeine content will vary depending on the particular tea and the brewing time. One way to naturally decaffeinate your tea is to steep for 45 seconds, pour out the liquid but keep the tea leaves, then add fresh boiling water and let it steep for 3-5 minutes or longer to allow the beneficial polyphenols to be extracted from the tea.
Slim Down with Tea
As a weight loss tool, tea is a wonderfully cleansing way to flush the system, replace fluids - and pump the body full of powerful antioxidants at the same time. Aside from the health benefits, tea is a zero-calorie beverage, making it your best choice for weight loss. Pass on the diet soda, loaded with sugar and bone-weakening bubbles, and go for tea.
It is best to drink tea unsweetened and without milk, which can minimize some of the health benefits. To sweeten the tea without the extra calories, forgo the sugar and try instead honey, stevia products, or a stick of cinnamon.
The Healthy Varieties of Herbal Teas
Aromatic and chock full of amazing health benefits, herbal teas are made from various leaves, roots, bark, or flowers. Here are just a few:
- Ginger: Soothes the digestive system and keeps your energy fired up
- Chamomile: Settles the stomach and is calming and soothing for the nervous system
- Peppermint: Increases healthy gastric secretions, relaxes the intestines, and settles the stomach
- Dandelion: Detoxifies and supports healthy liver functions
- Valerian: A natural herbal substitute for sleeping pills
You can combine these herbs in any combination according to your taste and health preferences. Among my patients, an incredibly popular herbal tea is Internal Cleanse Tea, which is specially combined to detoxify, calm nerves, clear the mind, balance emotions, and ease digestion. This tea formula is available online at
I hope you reap the powerful health benefits of tea! I invite you to visit often and share your own personal health and longevity tips with me.
May you stay healthy, live long, and live happy!
-Dr. Mao
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Suburban Romance in this Modern Age..

Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Eat all you can, Jap style.. till you LauSai (literally)..

Round 1

Round 2

Dessert Rounds

nyum nyum nyum.. although full, was damn kiasu LoL
So had these..

Bottoms Up.. literally

Felt like an overfilled wine barrel after that..
Walking from side to side!~
Dirty Japs!~

Been learning Japanese, I came across this book, and owned it. Its pretty hilarious and very very amusing. A Must read/buy for that "looking for something different" person. This basicaly is a book on words more commonly used by the norm "in the box" japanese. Slang and culture vocabs that you would most likely hear everyday. Love it.. :)
Rate: 4/5 (I think)~
Winter Escapades..
I said to myself, if the third time I get out of Tokyo and its freezing cold, Im going to stay in Tokyo.. ;P But sure enough the third time wasn't as bad as expecte. More snow but not as cold as when I met the weather back in Nikko and Yokohama. Hakone was interesting.. I say interesting not making it a pun nor sarcasm but it indeed was interesting. We got to Hakone after a long train ride. Higashi-Chiba - Chiba - Shinagawa - Odawara. Then a bus from Odawara to Futagochaya, about 50 mins. The actual long weekend plan was to go to Hakone then Atami then a night in Oshima. But due to weather, the trip was cut short.. and we only got to Hakone. All we did when we got to hakone was eat at Motorhankone, which we walked from the YH, and found joy in 7/11. I never had thought that 7/11 would be the happiest thing when we were left with nothing to do.. serious.. funny as hell though. We ended up with..
The Yoth Hostel was great. Clean and has an Onsen. And I had a fiancee for a day too.. Most intriguing part was this was a 2 story hostel, run by 1 man. When I say run, it means that he does absolutely everything, he cookes if you order breakfast, lunch of dinner. He cleans, he does the laundry, he tends to the reception and greets every guests. I wonder when (if any) is his own time apart form sleep.. or even have time to visit his throne.. :/
The second day was better, not so gloomy and snowy as when we arrived. Weather was beautiful despite having snow everywhere. Had great shots of Mt Fuji and Lake Aishi. Soft powdery snow as well, perfect for snowboarding. Funniest thing was we were trying to hitch-hike but no one stopped, and when a taxi passed by, the thumbs dissapear. LoL. Walked all the way to next "town" which was about 15 mins walk from motorhakone. Wanted to go to Atami from there but weather did not permit us. No buses to Atami due to snow. oh well. Then we decided we had enough and head back to Chiba. Interesting weekend huh? Was indeed, was indeed.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Kung Pow Chicken!~
Gong Xi Fa Cai,
Ang Pow Na Lai!
To all we "ratarians", lets rise and prosper!
This is our time,
right here
right now!~
Best Wishes..
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Riwayatku di persimpangan detik detik masa..
Ahh.. those times.. I hoe most of you sri mawarians remember because believe it or not, those memories are what shaped me today, well partly. But does add some sort of value in my upbringing. Now with the past I shall look vividly into the future..
Excuse the darn pics.. I look weird.. Can't even stand properly!~

Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Wounded Angel~
we are all angels, you and I,
mean to some, but nice to another,
we lend our wings to those that cannot fly,
even if we are hypocrites,
judging before we know,
we fly when we want to,
bringing those we want, leaving others behind,
we choose who to love, who to hate,
we protect what is dear to us, and abuse everything else,
but most of all,
we angels battle,
we fight daily for what we believe in, gaining battle scars,
and wounding others..
This is what it means to be an angel, because we know we are not perfect. Just trying to make the best of the moment..
But never ever let the demons haunt you, for you will only be a fallen, wounded angel.
Rise my angel, for we shall soar the heavens together.. gracefully~

Monday, January 28, 2008
First weekend was spent in Nikko. Visited the Toshogu Shrine, then Kegon Falls, Cheuzen-ji lake and finally the Yamoto Onsen where we failed to find monkeys in the onsens. But we did see monkeys. Very amusing. The snow and ice, beautiful combination. Still wished I have a decent camera mated with a good lens to play around with..
Not sure what lies ahead, but its job hunting priority now.. albeit the slight harsh coldness that provokes the aura of "unwelcome-ness"..
There is more to it than meets the eye...
Friday, January 18, 2008
Life in a DiGitaL age!~
1) HP Pavillion DV2715tx (verve imprint)
2) Canon 40D + lens
3) Razer Mouse n Mouse pad
4) Ipod (maybe...)
Decisions, decisions.. cant wait to get my own place..
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Balik Kampung!~
Meanwhile, I have every right to shop now, to regain what is lost, and start anew. New clothes, new image perhaps, new accessories (if any), shoes bags, gadgets etc etc.. even with new views in life. But above all that, I am the same old. Doing things to make me better. And doing things to make my dreams a reality..
You coming?
Thursday, January 10, 2008
For now, Viva Italia. I can truly say Veni Vedi Vici! :D
Monday, January 7, 2008
Bueno Sera!~
fear not, I have another 4-ish days in Italy. Rest assured I wont be empty handed..
Quote of the day: Life is too short.. savor each moment, even by yourself.. Best things in life come unexpectedly (will have an entry about this one day I hope.. :S)..
mood: sick of pasta.. and feeling forgotten~
Link: Milan, Italy
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Album of the day: One Republic
Meeting Casanova, the Phantom, Juliet, Romeo, El Capitan.... gorgeous italian flair!~
Link: Venice, Italy
Ah, also not forgetting my visit to Maranello, home of the prancing horse :D Its like Mecca to me..
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Carpe Diem!~
Ah.. Firenze, I shall return. Maybe not in the cold winter.. Tomorrow Venice..
Finally, I took that step and joined facebook. Yes I'm a facebook virgin no more... Add me @
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
1) Get a Job
2) Expand social circle
3) Have more passion in what I do
4) Be more focused, mature and directed in life
5) Only start something that I know I will follow through
6) Have more patience
7) Listen more, and never to act by judgment of emotions
8) "Delete" bad traits, build on better and good traits
9) Be that better person
Despite all these new year resolutions, one thing that will never change, is me. I am who I am. Same old character, but improved and better. I believe everything in life happens for a reason. So will I not only celebrate it, but cherish every moment of it. Do what I have never done before, see things I have never seen, explore and taste this beauty we have around us, thats life. Thats how we justify ourselves and the things we do. We do it because we want to, because we feel like it, not because we can or not or because everyone is doing it. Through the years, thats what I have been thought, and I have someone dear to me to thank for, all though it took me a while to realise it and never seem to show. You are that zest and spice in my life. Thats where I want to be..
More to come :D
Goodbye 07..
May 2008 grant you what you are seeking for
and bring your dreams into reality!
-= Insert Smile Here =-
Ronald Adrian