Thursday, December 31, 2009

Ma the piang!!~... almost a year since I wrote anything on this. This has got to be one of "those" things I need to do. Okay I shall put it on my new year's resolution.

Funny how it is during this time of the year, we seem to feel that the year has gone fast (regardless if has or not). But one thing is for sure that next year it will be different for me. Many changes will occur and I hope prosperity and better things will come. Keep em' blessings come..

I've always wanted to do more things, I guess I will now being that one of my resolution is to have more "me" time. Since January 27.. a whole years worth of blogging has been left behind. Thats way too much to catch up to anyone reading. Next year however is a different story.. ;)

Now to the resolutions that I can think of..

1) Be more proactive and do sports/outdoor activities.. since I have the car and fishing licence to have an excuse to go and enjoy the outdoors.. Need to keep fit as well

2) Use what I have got.. ie photography, fishing gear, out door equipment, my blog etc..

3) Move on to better things in life, Dont want to be "stagnant"

4) Enjoy better food (dining, cooking...)

5) Make more friends

6) Use my Rangie the way they were built for (still havent got a name for it..)

7) Need to get back in shape... ;) loose a couple of KG's and get fitter..

8) Self improvement in general.. presentation, character and personality etc.. Make more friends and widen my network (workwise and social)

9) Make these resolutions come true.. :D

10) Start a business??... and meed Richard Branson

There you go, 10 resolutions for 2010..

What did I think of 2009? Great.. could have been better but no regrets!~

For you reading this my friends, Have a wonderful 2010!~ Im sure it will be ;) Be naughty, we live once..

Signing off for 2009,
Ronald Adrian

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Red Packet Syndrome!~

Its been a while.. First off, Happy New year to all and may 09' bring more than what 08' had :D

Now.. let me elaborate on the Red Packet Syndrome. No, it does not relate to the red army. Red packet sydrome has 2 extremes. One, having too much red packets and the other, not having enough. It can be damaging both ways..

Think about it.. too much red packets, you'll go nuts.. you'll end up not sure of what you would want to use it on and then it somehow mysteriously dissapear on something that you didn't know you bought or spend on. (aka Money Crazy)

Too little, well you know.. depression.. also makes you go nuts.. especially in times of recession.

Conclusion? Just give me th damn packets! :D I'll sort it out for you

Oh.. Happy CNY!~

p/s: I'll update more soon, some exciting news and the weather :P